Saturday, August 29, 2009

Family Outpatient

Hooray, peds rotation is over! It has been a nice weekend so far having Mark HOME! He is only going to be a 5 minute drive from our house this next month for his family rotation. Woot! Looks like it will be a fairly smooth September. We're also getting a car this month so we won't have to be sharing one car. (For those of you who don't know we have had 1 car since medical school started. It's a Honda Accord and its a great car. However, I used to drop him off and pick him up a lot from school. Or he would ride his bike, but it gets to be over 100 degrees regularly here and riding the bike didn't last too long. Two babies later...we still have 1 car. If he needs the car I'm at home ALL DAY. So if you couldn't tell I'm pretty excited that we're getting another vehicle!) My grandmother is letting us "buy" her car. It's going to be our pimp ride. A 1995 buick century. That's right folks, that's what the doctors are driving these days ;) Thank you parents for polishing it up and bringing it to us soon! When they get here we're also going to do Disneyland for the first time since we've lived here! I am probably the most excited out of my family. I haven't been there since I was young and I'm fully expecting greatness and magic.
Residency Countdown: I just realized that in less than a year applications have to be in. AH! Ladies if you are just starting medical school and you want it to go by fast...have! I honestly don't know where the time goes anymore.
That's all for now, I'm exhausted and need to go to bed.

Monday, August 17, 2009


This month has been Mark's first experience on call overnight in the hospital. He has been leaving the house around 6am and getting home around noon the next day. I'm not quite sure that I've really felt the full effect of him being gone so long because I have had my mother in law or my mom stay the night each night he's been gone. It just happened to work out that they were visiting! I know I'm going to need to get used to the fact that I will be spending nights home alone with the kids. I'm curious as to how much over night call residency requires compared to when you are an attending. Also if it differs between academic hospitals vs. community, county hospitals etc. Anyone have any input?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Pleasant Surprise

On Friday, my sister-in-law called me. When I saw her name on the cell phone I had a gut feel about what she was going to say. Her husband had been accepted into medical school. The same one my husband attends, and his first day is Thursday! It's been a whirlwind of a weekend for them having to pick up and move 1,000 miles away with less than a week before class starts for him. I'm so excited that I'll have some family close by. I hope that we are able to give them an idea of what they're in for the next couple years!

I printed a list of orthopedic residency programs off of the AMA website. I printed them by state. Now I'm going through and looking at the websites. It is a weird feeling making judgments about a program based on how well their site is put together and what message it brings across. That is all we have to go on for most places though. If I were a program I would be putting a lot of time and money into that!