Monday, August 17, 2009


This month has been Mark's first experience on call overnight in the hospital. He has been leaving the house around 6am and getting home around noon the next day. I'm not quite sure that I've really felt the full effect of him being gone so long because I have had my mother in law or my mom stay the night each night he's been gone. It just happened to work out that they were visiting! I know I'm going to need to get used to the fact that I will be spending nights home alone with the kids. I'm curious as to how much over night call residency requires compared to when you are an attending. Also if it differs between academic hospitals vs. community, county hospitals etc. Anyone have any input?


  1. My husband is doing an away right now and the attendings always call from home and the residents are on call at the hospital. The hours are still difficult as an attending but they are significantly less than residency! (Ex: surgical residents will work on average 80-120 hours a week, whereas I THINK attendings work more like 60 hours a week). Don't forget that as an attending your husband can find a hospital/practice that is as demanding or as family friendly as he desires.

  2. I was just scanning through blogs, because a friend of mine mentioned that there was a blog specifically for wives of medical residents and I came accross yours. That being said, I wanted to wish you lots of luck in the interview process comming up for you guys! We had two children as well before we started an orthopedic residency. There will be lots of lonesome nights, in fact this is one such night for me. But my now "3" little ones keep me sane! If you have any questions let me know - Jan
